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Safeguarding Policy

This Safeguarding Policy outlines how we go to great lengths to allow all children to feel safe and happy whilst learning and playing at one of our sports sessions.


We are committed to keep all children safe and will meet this commitment by:


  • Listening to the children and respecting them

  • Making sure all staff understand and follow the safeguarding rules and regulations


As Clements Multisports we are responsible for:


  • Ensure all staff know their responsibilities within this policy

  • Design and undertake all its programmes and activities in a way that protects people from any risk of harm that may arise.  This includes the way in which information about individuals in our programmes is gathered and communicated

  • Implement stringent safeguarding procedures when recruiting, managing and deploying staff and associated personnel

  • Ensure staff receive training on safeguarding at a level commensurate with their role in the organization

  • Follow up on reports of safeguarding concerns promptly and according to due process



Each staff member follows the health and safety policy and is responsible for:


  • Carrying out a risk assessment of the area being used

  • Maintaining a safe environment during activities

  • Having up to date first aid training

  • Reporting all injuries to parents/carers with a written incident form.


Reporting safeguarding issues:


Clements Multisports will ensure that safe, appropriate, accessible means of reporting safeguarding concerns are made available to staff and the communities we work with.


Clements Multisports will also accept complaints from external sources such as members of the public, partners and official bodies. 


Responding to a safeguarding report:


Clements Multisports will follow up safeguarding reports and concerns according to policy and procedure, and legal and statutory obligations. 

Clements Multisports will apply appropriate disciplinary measures to staff found in breach of policy.


Clements Multisports will offer support to survivors of harm caused by staff or associated personnel, regardless of whether a formal internal response is carried out (such as an internal investigation).  Decisions regarding support will be led by the survivor.




It is essential that confidentiality in maintained at all stages of the process when dealing with safeguarding concerns.  Information relating to the concern and subsequent case management should be shared on a need to know basis only, and should be kept secure at all times.


Emergency Contact


Two Contact numbers will be gathered for each child in case of an emergency, should we not be able to get in touch with the primary contact.





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